We are a network of creators, scholars, entrepreneurs and game lovers!
Board of directors

Ernane Guimarães Neto, president
Writer, collector of games, toys and dictionaries. Phd student in human sciences, rights and other legitamacies at USP – Universidade de São Paulo (University of Sao Paulo) – alegoriadigital.wordpress.com

Mário Madureira Fontes, vice-president
Computer Science and Digital Games teacher. Presently, he represents the REBEL in Europe while studying postdoctoral in Portugal – http://www.mario.pro.br/

Ana Paula Albuquerque Teixeira, tesoureira
Lawyer, barista and bartender, she now studies Technology in Digital Games at FATEC-SP in Carapicuiba (University of Technology in Carapicuiba).

Flavia Guimarães, secretária
Biologist, inventor and an animal cause activist. Developer of the Organic trademark:The Eco Friendly Pan and the Sparkling Dog Collar – https://cintilantepet.com/
Alguns dos associados REBEL
Our associated members are lovers of knowledge as well as of the ludic! To join us, rebel ourself.

Carlos Costa
Journalist and professor, he directed the Faculdade Cásper Líbero ( the Casper Libero University).

Carlos Seabra
Editor and creator of games – Página oficial: http://seabra.com/perfil/

Fernando Tsukumo
Buda is a playful educator: http://www.suavez.org/

José Geraldo Oliveira
Zé Gera is a communicator and a professor at UNIP. https://www.facebook.com/pg/gera.comm

Patrícia Assuf Nechar
Patricia is a communicator, a Ph.d. student in PUC_SP, and a specialist in the Plus Size Movement.

Sergio Halaban
Creator of Tabletop games, and author of Matryoshka and Sheriff of Nottingham among others: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamedesigner/3005/sergio-halaban

Wellington Nogueira
Actor and social entrepreneur. Also, founder of Doctors of Joy:: https://doutoresdaalegria.org.br