The Rede Brasileira de Estudos Lúdicos (Brazilian Network for Ludic Studies) organizes workshops, gaming and courses aiming for a better world… Playfully! In such moments, the Rebel brings to the community some of the main creators and researchers in the world of games, playing and communications.
It all started with FAEL
The first forum of the Rebel (the Brazilian Network for Ludic Studies) took place in 2014. The Rebel continues its legacy.
We played together
The Rebel Plays is a moment of relaxation and exchange between the associates and their guests.
Besides the workshops in the FAEL (Academic Forum for Ludic Studies), the Rebel (The Brazilian Network of Ludic Studies) offers courses on demand and in partnership with cultural and educational institutions.
These are some of the courses and workshops that we develop:
- Creation of tabletops – analysis of board game and card games; their testing and prototyping.
- Classroom games – pedagogical concepts related to games; strategies to use games in educational environments and successful experiences.
- Leisure with tangram – children think that it is a game, but they are developing skills both logical and spatial reasoning as well as problem solving.
- Collaborative poem – our multimedia workshop results in collaborative works of art! Visit the pages with the production of “turma da horta do Centro Cultural São Paulo” (Vegetal Garden Group o São Paulo Cultural Center) and the collaborative poem in honor to the Portuguese Language developed by the REBEL during the covid quarantine.